Planning Your Exterior Renovation
Planning your exterior renovation ahead of time can determine a job’s success. Proper planning will keep the project on budget, provide a higher return on investment (ROI), and a clear understanding of the work scope. Below is a reliable guide to get you thinking.
Determining your budget is the first step. Ask yourself these questions, “How much money am I willing to spend?” and “How much money can I spend?”. Once you get that answer, you will narrow down what projects you can and can not do. After your budget is determined, it is time to start scouting and requesting free estimates for your respective projects.
Choosing the right materials is essential, mainly when you invest thousands of dollars in your home renovation. A salesperson will often bring pamphlets or samples as options to show homeowners. Sometimes though, scouting the surrounding neighborhoods or other local communities can be a huge benefit to homeowners. Becoming familiarized with the colors, styles, materials, and trends on the market today will significantly help your projects’ approach.
Other Considerations
When considering your exterior renovation, you have a unique opportunity to take care of other projects that be a part of your long term planning. For example, you have been thinking about installing a home security system to help protect your most valuable assets. Or maybe you have wanted to change the landscaping up around your home. Factoring in these other home improvement upgrades can be perfect timing.
Free Estimates!
Begin by searching for local contractors in and around your community. Once you have compiled a list of your top 3 or more contractors, contact them to set up an appointment. Don’t just look for the lowest number. Ask the company questions. These estimates will help you differentiate between what materials and products each company offer and ensure your project is completed right and on budget.
Remember, make sure to plan. It will keep your project on budget, provide a higher return on investment (ROI), and a clear understanding of the scope of work to be completed.